All year round, we empower our employees to contribute to the causes and nonprofits they love through our Matching Gift program—which has already matched employee donations to 2,200 organizations. Throughout the year, employees can partake in volunteer experiences and projects facilitated by NBCUnites, including during Season of Service and Volunteer Month. Over the past five years, our company has engaged over 30,000 employee volunteers.
NBCUniversal Local Impact Grants
To make a meaningful impact in our local communities and address their diverse needs, NBCUniversal and the NBC and Telemundo owned stations launched NBCU Local Impact Grants which provides $2.5M in grants annually to more than 80+ organizations.
Season of Service
Our annual holiday volunteering initiative allows employees to give back to their communities. From kit packing to mentoring, employees celebrate the holidays through volunteerism.
Volunteer Month
During April, employees are empowered to volunteer in honor of Volunteer Month. Employees can create their own volunteer events for their team as well as participate in events hosted by NBCUnites. Internationally, employees participate in NBCUnites Cares Day, making an impact in communities across the globe.
Employee Mentorship
Career Inspiration Camp
A two-day career camp in which young women learn what a career in media and entertainment could look like. Students participate in informational interviews, interpreting job descriptions and vision boarding for the future. Employee mentors connect with students and mentor them throughout their two-day experience.
Creative Connections
Creative Connections is an exclusive opportunity for early career and emerging talent from partner organizations to network with NBCUniversal Creatives, learn from executives, and gain advice for their career journeys.
Pro Bono Programs
Throughout the year, NBCU employees have opportunities to provide skills-based consulting services to nonprofit organizations. Employees specializing in legal, marketing, communications, human resources and project management provide insights and advice to community partners in programs ranging from one day to four weeks. Select programs may engage ERG members or high performing talent through our Talent Lab PRO BONO program.
In this unique consulting event, teams of NBCUniversal employees help solve real challenges from Employee Resource Group and NBCUnites partners based in NY, NJ and CT. Employees are matched with a nonprofit challenge based on their areas of expertise. Participants develop transferable skills, make new connections, and provide real support to a local nonprofit.
America on Tech Fellowships
Comcast NBCUniversal hosts two eight-week Fellowship programs focused on Cybersecurity and Data Science for America On Tech alumni and college students currently majoring or interested in exploring a career in technology. The fellowships provide professional development skills through hands-on experience and facilitate valuable relationships with mentors.
Monthly Volunteer Events
Each month, NBCUnites offers a volunteer event that correlates to the observances of that month. For example, employees can bead pride bracelets in June, create Halloween costumes in October, and write empowering cards to young women during Women’s History Month in March.